WAEC Biology Practical Specimen 2023: Everything You Need to Know

WAEC Biology Practical Specimen 2023: The West African Examination Council (WAEC) Biology Practical exam requires students to identify and analyze different biological specimens. The WAEC Biology practical specimen is an essential part of the exam, and students must understand how to identify and analyze them.

WAEC Biology Specimen

The WAEC Biology specimen is a collection of living and non-living materials that students must observe and identify during the practical exam. The specimen list typically includes plants, animals, microorganisms, and prepared slides.

To perform well in the exam, students need to be familiar with the different parts of each specimen and understand how to analyze them. It’s essential to study the specimen list carefully and attend practical classes to practice identifying the different parts of the specimen.



WAEC Biology Practical Specimen 2023

The WAEC Biology practical specimen for 2023 has be released. The specimen list is usually released a few months before the exam, so students should watch for it.

Studying and preparing for the WAEC Biology practical exam well in advance is crucial. By studying previous specimen lists and attending practical classes, students can prepare themselves for the exam and increase their chances of success.

Specimen A – Mature fresh eggs of catfish

Specimen B – Fresh egg of domestic fowl (raw, with shell intact)

Specimen C – Picture/model/chart of uterus containing a foetus

Specimen D – Longitudinal section of ovary of pride of Barbados flower

Specimen E – leaf of pride of Barbados flower

Specimen F – Panicum plant/Guinea grass (whole plant)

Specimen G – Cocoyam plant/Caladium plant (whole plant)

Specimen H – Corm of cocoyam

Specimen J – Dry humus in a beaker

Specimen K – Moist humus in a beaker

Specimen L – Ripe orange fruit (whole)

Specimen M – Longitudinal section of coconut fruit

Specimen N – Longitudinal section of fresh chilli pepper fruit.

(b) it is essential that each candidate should be provided with the following materials;

I. hand lens/magnifying lens;

II. scalpel/razor blade/knife;

III. pair of forceps;

IV. hand gloves;

V. spatula;

VI. Petri dish;

VII. Fehling’s solutions A and B;

VIII. Iodine solution.




How to Identify and Analyze the WAEC Biology Specimen 2023

To identify and analyze the WAEC Biology specimen effectively, students need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Read the instructions carefully: Ensure you understand what you’re being asked to do before starting.
  2. Observe the specimen: Take the time to carefully examine the specimen and identify the different parts.
  3. Use a microscope: If the specimen requires a microscope, ensure you know how to use it correctly.
  4. Record your observations: Take notes as you observe the specimen, and record any important details.
  5. Analyze the specimen: Use your knowledge of Biology to analyze the specimen and draw conclusions about its structure and function.

FAQs about WAEC Biology Specimen 2023

What is the WAEC Biology specimen?

  • The WAEC Biology specimen is a collection of living and non-living materials that students must observe and identify during the Biology practical exam.

How can I prepare for the WAEC Biology specimen 2023?

  • You can prepare for the WAEC Biology specimen by studying the specimen list, practising identifying the different parts of the specimen, and attending Biology practical classes.

When is the WAEC Biology specimen 2023 list usually released?

  • The WAEC Biology specimen list is usually released a few months before the exam.

What should I do if I need help to understand any part of the practical?

  • You can ask questions if you need help to understand any part of the practical. Your teacher will be happy to assist you.

Is the WAEC Biology specimen the same every year?

  • The WAEC Biology specimen can vary yearly, so studying the specimen list carefully for each exam is essential.

Can I bring my specimen to the exam?

  • No, students cannot bring their specimens to the exam. The examiners will provide all specimens.


In conclusion, the WAEC Biology practical specimen is an essential part of the Biology practical exam, and students must understand how to identify and analyze them. By studying the specimen list carefully, attending practical classes, and following the steps outlined in this article, students can prepare for the exam and increase their chances of success.

About the author

Mr Noni

The loyal guy from another planet, Whom always get what he always asked for. || Professional Blogger || The Main Man Behind Noniwap.com concept.


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