WAEC Gce Civic Education 2021 Answers & Questions

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WAEC Gce Civic Education Questions and Answers 2021. , for the National examination council (June/July 2021. Civic Education Answers. This post will provide you with repeated questions as well as the answers to your WAEC Gce Civic Education exam 2021. This post will help you understand the WAEC Gce Civic Education answers 2021.

Government is the system or group of people governing an organized community, generally a state. In the case of its broad associative definition, government normally consists of legislature, executive, and judiciary

(i)They should ensure a secure and stable environment to enable free trade, innovation, development and production through securing our national borders, and protecting against internal threats such as racketeering, intimidation, violence and corruption, and defend the country from any external threat to our way of life.

(ii)They should enable the citizens of the country to better themselves in every possible way thought quality education by the means of creating quality infrastructure such as housing and roads; delivering basic services like running water and electricity to each home and telecommunication for further development in regards with education.


(iii)They should not be allowed to have parastatals like Eskom or Telkom, any funding which the Government give to public enterprise ventures should be seen as loans after an in depth due diligence report was drawn up, and there must be little or no interest.

(iv)Financial institutions should be regulated in regards with the amount of personal loans they give out to an individual, and the interest charged on these loans, as well as keep an eye on bank administrative charges.

(v)Lastly, the salaries of serving political figures and leading figures in the public sector like the police and defence force should be voted on by the public themselves.

(vi)To handle the State affairs and to facilitate public. In other words to create Job and health for public.

Human Trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit

(Pick Any THREE)
(i) Physical and emotional abuse
(ii) Threats
(iii) Deception
(iv) Abduction

(i) Mental trauma: Victims of human trafficking can experience devastating psychological effects during and after their trafficking experience. Many survivors may end up experiencing post-traumatic stress, difficulty in relationships, depression, memory loss, anxiety, fear, guilt, shame, and other severe forms of mental trauma.

(ii) Physical trauma: Many victims also experience physical injuries. Those who have been sexually exploited are often abused by their traffickers and customers. They may be raped, beaten, and subjected to abuse over a long period of time. There is also a higher risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, infections, diabetes, cancer, and other illnesses.

(iii) Exploitation and deprivation: The process and act of trafficking usually lead to exploitation of those trafficked. In most cases a large proportion of financial benefits derived from the act is taken by the financiers and agents.

(iv) Insecurity: The operations of organised criminal groups, whose illicit activities often extend beyond trafficking, can have serious implications for national security.

(1i) He founded different newspapers to help propagate nationalism in Nigeria. And Zik group established these newspapers in politically and economically important cities throughout the country to whip up the interest and enthusiasm of the populace as well as the direction of the independence struggle.

(1ii) He co-founded the National Council of Nigeria and Cameroons (NCNC) which played an active role in the struggle for Nigeria’s independence. And Zik’s opposition to Richards’ constitution of 1946 which sought to increase only by four, African representations on the Legislative Council with the rest being nominated by the Governor.

(1iii) His opposition to Richard’s constitution led to the promulgation of Macpherson constitution. And He toured the country to raise funds to lead a delegation to London and USA to plead the case of his party for self government for Nigeria.

(1iv) He gave his support to the general strike in 1945. And He influenced nationalist struggle through the publication of several books e.g. Development of Political parties in Nigeria 1958, Economic reconstruction in Nigeria 1943.

(1v) As Member of Parliament 1947-1950, he joined others to ensure that Nigeria gain self government. And He joined Nigerian Youth Movement (NYM) with others to open the floodgate for nationalism in Nigeria.

Responsible parenthood is the act or process of effective discharge of duties and obligations of upbringing/rearing of children/wards by parents or guardians.

(i) Education: Education is the right of every child. It is one of the responsibility of parents to their children. Education is power, and giving a child a quality education is the greatest gift every parents can give to their children.

(ii) Good Home Training: This covers wide range of character moulding, attitudinal shaping and inculcating of moral ethical and societal value to the children, home/family as the agent of socialization has to inculcate love, respect, friendliness, hospitality as well as national ethnic of discipline to the children.

(iii) Respecting The Child’s Feeling: Some parents have an attitude of talking about their children, especially their unpleasant habits, in front of others.

(iv) Providing For The Household: The parents ought to or suppose to provide shelter, food, cloth, medical care, spiritual care, education and social needs for their family.

(v) Caring: Caring is been kind, helpful and showing that you care about other people. So parents should look after and care for their household in providing what their children needs for their health and protections.

(vi) Building Positive Concept In Your Children: It is the role or duty of responsible parents to build self esteem in their children.

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Mr Noni

The loyal guy from another planet, Whom always get what he always asked for. || Professional Blogger || The Main Man Behind Noniwap.com concept.

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