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Nabteb Crs Questions and Answers 2022. For the National exam Council (June/July 2022. Crs Answers. This article will provide you with a variety of questions, as well as answers to the questions on your Nabteb Crs exam 2022. This article will help you to understand what you will be asked in the Nabteb Crs answers 2022.

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Nabteb Crs 2022 Answers



Samuel loved God and loved to help Eli, the High Priest, in the tabernacle of the Lord. Eli was old and almost blind so Samuel often stayed near Eli in case he needed something.
One night Samuel was lying down in the tabernacle. All of a sudden Samuel heard a voice calling his name. Samuel quickly got up and ran to Eli’s room.
Samuel woke Eli up and said, “Here I am, Eli, you called me.” “I didn’t call you, Samuel, go back and lie down,” answered Eli. Samuel went back and lay down again.
A little while later he heard the voice again. “Samuel!” the voice said. Samuel got up and ran to Eli again. “Here I am, Eli, you called me.” Again, Eli sent him back. Samuel heard the voice one more time. “What was going on here?” Samuel thought to himself. Once again he ran to Eli’s bedside.
This time Eli began to understand that something special was happening. This was not just any voice. This must be the voice of the Lord. “Samuel,” Eli said, “goes back and lay down. When you hear the voice again, say: ‘Speak, for your servant is listening.’”
Samuel went back and lay down. Again the voice called his name, “Samuel, Samuel!”
This time Samuel answered, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” Now the Lord began to speak to Samuel. He told him that Eli’s sons would not be the next High Priests and He will judge Eli’s family forever because of their sins.
Samuel lay back down until morning when it was time to open the tabernacle. Samuel did not want to tell Eli what the Lord had said. He knew that Eli would feel bad. But Eli told Samuel to tell him everything the Lord said. He told him not to leave one thing out. Eli was very sad but he knew that Samuel was telling the truth.
After that first night, the Lord came and spoke to Samuel often. Samuel always listened carefully when the Lord spoke to him. As Samuel grew up, he learned more and more about what the Lord wanted him to do. Samuel told many people how to love and obey God. The people of Israel always listened to Samuel because his words were wise and they were from the Lord.

(i) Be acquainted with the Holy Spirit: We need to be acquainted with the promptings of the Holy Ghost, and we need to practice and apply gospel teachings until they become natural and automatic. These promptings become the foundation of our testimonies.

(ii) Be willing and receptive: If we are willing and receptive, we can grow in our ability to recognise the Lord’s voice. As we increase in our ability to receive and understand personal revelation, we will be able to recognize the voice of the Lord more easily and receive His guidance and instruction.

(iii) Listen to the words of the Lord: Hearing the words of the Lord through His prophets is much more than merely listening to a talk. When we hear the words of the prophets, we realize that those words are the will of God and that we must be willing to follow them. Similarly, hearing the words of the Lord through the Spirit is more than feeling His promptings. It is acting according to those promptings. Listening to Him when He speaks is as important in our day as it was when Samuel walked the earth.

The son of a nobleman was sick with a fever. Even though the young man’s father was a very important man there was nothing that could be done to make his son well. The son was so sick he was going to die.
The nobleman was worried about his son and he needed to find someone to help him. Maybe the teacher, Jesus, could help. People were saying that Jesus was travelling from city to city teaching people about God and performing miracles. Some said that Jesus could even make sick people well.
That is when the nobleman heard that Jesus was in the city of Cana. The boy and his father lived in the city of Capernaum by the Sea of Galilee so it would take all day to walk to Cana. But this was so important that the distance did not matter to the father. He set out right away so that he could go and get Jesus. If Jesus came to his house he could make the boy well again.
So the father travelled to Cana to find Jesus. He was a nobleman so he was used to giving orders and telling other people what to do. But when the nobleman came to Jesus he did not give Jesus orders. Instead, he begged Jesus to travel to Capernaum with him to heal his son.
Even though Jesus could make people well he knew the most important thing was that they listen to the words he was saying about God. “Do I have to do miracles for you to believe my words?” he asked. But all the man could think about was his son.
But Jesus did not go to the man’s house. He surprised the nobleman by telling him to go back home. “Your son will live.” When Jesus said this the man did believe his words. He immediately set off for Capernaum.
On the way back to his home the man’s servants met him on the road. “Your son is alive,” they exclaimed, “His fever went away!” The father was so happy to hear this good news.
The role of faith in the miracle is that anyone that follows Jesus Christ and his teaching must have faith in him. This is because faith plays a major role in our relationship with Jesus. As the nobleman had faith in Jesus for the healing of his son, likewise any problem in our lives, be it infirmities or diseases would be healed if we have faith in Jesus Christ.

(i) God has no limits: The nobleman’s son was far away, but God is not limited by human constraints and healed the boy. God can do what he wants to, and nothing is impossible with him. Jesus is not limited by time and space. He is in time and space, but he also transcends them.
(ii) Believe and have faith in God: The nobleman believed Jesus the first time when he spoke the word about his son being healed. After the nobleman verified that his son had been healed at the same hour Jesus spoke the word of healing, and he believed, and his whole household.

Prayer is a medium of communication between man and God. It is a ritual copied from the prayerful life of Jesus who taught his disciples how to pray. Prayer is the Christian’s weapon of defence in life.

(i) Adoration – acknowledgement of Gods greatness.
(ii) Petition – for personal needs
(iii) Dedication – promising to be faithful to God.
(iv) Thanksgiving – for grace received.

(i) Lack of faith on the part of the person praying.
(ii) Lack of forgiving spirit.
(iii) Repetition of the same words.
(iv) Lack of repentance from personal sins.
(v) Asking wrongly- God knows what is the best for His children

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

AIDS is commonly considered to be the last stage of HIV infection; the body completely loses its defense system and this further causes illness. Loss of immunity causes organ failure and ultimately death. HIV is a type of retrovirus. Its genetic material is RNA and is called the human immuno deficiency virus.

(i) Unprotected sexual interaction with a previously infected person.
(ii) Reusing needles used up by an infected individual.
(iii) From a deceased mother to the baby through the placenta.
(iv) Blood transfusion from an infected individual.



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Mr Noni

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