WAEC Data Processing 2022 Answers & Questions






Waec Data Processing 2022 Answers: 2022 WAEC Data Processing Questions and Answers, Waec Data Processing question 2022 for school students in the SS3 grade. Are you one of the people looking for ways to obtain Data Processing WAEC questions 2022? If yes, then look no further because this article is designed for you. We will talk about the steps to obtain WAEC Data Processing Essay and Objective questions and answers, the best way to respond to Data Processing WAEC questions 2022, and the steps you must take to complete the WAEC Data Processing test in one sitting. 

Waec 2022 Data Processing Answers, Waec Data Processing question and answer 2022, 2022 Waec Data Processing obj and Theory Answers, Waec Data Processing 2022, You’re about to type the 2022 WAEC Data Processing answer You want to ensure that you’re prepared to take it. But how do you determine what is expected in your WAEC Data Processing exam? This is why we wrote this post so you can get all the answers and questions right here!

We will discuss the ways to get the 2022 WAEC Data Processing questions, so that you are prepared for the upcoming WAEC exam. You will also know the way WAEC has set questions on Data Processing and the best way to answer these questions. This guide will help you will be able to make either A or B choices on the Data Processing WAEC 2022 exam.

2022 WAEC Data Processing Questions & Answers 

Data Processing 2 (Essay) – 09:30am – 11:30am
Data Processing 1 (Objective) – 11:30am – 12:30pm


-Click the Microsoft Office button
-CLick on Microsoft access
-Click new
-Click the new blank Database icon
-Type in the name “Student-record”
-Click create

-Click the table design button from the create tab
-A blank table appears – ENter each field
-Enter a name for each field i.e ID_Number, Full Name, Date of birth, Age, and Home Address.
-Select each field’s data type from the next column.
-Enter the field properties using the bottom panel of each field
-Click save

-ID_Number —> Number data type
-Full Name —> Short text data type
-Date of Birth —> Date/Time data type
-Age —> Number type
-Home Address —> Long text data type


ID_Number field

It serves as a unique identifier for a row of data in a database table.


(i)Open a blank word document
(ii)On the top, click on insert
(iii)Click the table button
(iv)Click on insert table
(v)Go to number of columns band enter 4
(vi)Goto number of rows and enter 6
(vii)click ok

(i)Select the text you want to use as a hyperlink
(ii) click the insert tab
(iii)Click on hyperlink
(iv)Enter the web address and click ok

I = Alignment to the left
II = It centers a text
III = It Align text to the right
IV= It Align text to both right and left margins
V = change the spacing between lines of text

Database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be accessed ,managed and updated


Database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system.

(pick Any Three)
(i) Microsoft Access
(iii)SQL server

(pick Any Two)
(i) Zooming to get a better view
(ii) Drawing straight lines for trimming
(iii) Painting

(pick Any three)
(i)Corel draw
(ii)Adobe Photoshop
(iii)Harvard graphics
(iv)Adobe page maker

(v)Ms paint

Presentation package is a computer software package that is used to display information usually in the form of a slide show


presentation package is a software program that contains a text editor and the ability to add charts and graphic images, such as photographs, clip art, or other objects so as to make a slide show for the purpose of communicating visually to an audience.

(Pick Any Two)
(i) Microsoft PowerPoint
(ii)Macromedia Flash
(iii) Windows movie maker

(pick Any Two)
(i)creation of slides
(ii)Insertion of pictures
(iii)Insertion of video and audio
(iv)creation of Animation

(i)Go to the Editing group of commands and click on Find & Select.
(ii)Choose Replace from the drop-down menu.
(iii)Type Boulder into the Find what box.
(iv)Type Denver in the Replace with box.
(v)Click on Replace All and you’ll notice a dialogue box that will tell you how many replacements were made.

(vi)Click on Close.

Information Transmission is the process of sending out processed data from one person or place to another in a meaningful form through a communication medium.


Information transmission is the process of sending and receiving information from one place to another at a particular point.

The Internet is a globally-connected network of computers that enables people to share information and communicate with each other. While an intranet, is a local or restricted network that enables people to store, organize, and share information within an organization.

A LAN, abbreviated from Local Area Network, is a network that covers a small geographical area such as homes, offices, and groups of buildings. While a WAN, abbreviated from Wide Area Network, is a network that covers larger geographical areas that can span the globe.

(i) NetworkHub
(ii) Network Switch
(iii) Router
(iv) wireless access point (WAP)

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(Data Processing – WAEC 2022)
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NOTE: Do Not Subscribe On Whatsapp. Send via SMS ONLY. After sending, relax, and wait for your password.

Waec Data Processing QUESTION 2022?






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(i) All Subjects (with Obj and Theory) : N13,000
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Our Subscription PriceS for PIN/Password
(i) All Subjects (with Obj and Theory) : N12,500
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Waec Data Processing 2022 Answers

Waec Data Processing Answers 2022

Waec Data Processing 2022

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Data Processing OBJ:

Waec Data Processing 2022 Answers: 2022 WAEC Data Processing Questions and Answers, Waec Data Processing question 2022 for school students in the SS3 grade. Are you one of the people looking for ways to obtain Data Processing WAEC questions 2022? If yes, then look no further because this article is designed for you. We will talk about the steps to obtain WAEC Data Processing Essay and Objective questions and answers, the best way to respond to Data Processing WAEC questions 2022, and the steps you must take to complete the WAEC Data Processing test in one sitting. 

Waec 2022 Data Processing Answers, Waec Data Processing question and answer 2022, 2022 Waec Data Processing obj and Theory Answers, Waec Data Processing 2022, You’re about to type the 2022 WAEC Data Processing answer You want to ensure that you’re prepared to take it. But how do you determine what is expected in your WAEC Data Processing exam? This is why we wrote this post so you can get all the answers and questions right here!

We will discuss the ways to get the 2022 WAEC Data Processing questions, so that you are prepared for the upcoming WAEC exam. You will also know the way WAEC has set questions on Data Processing and the best way to answer these questions. This guide will help you will be able to make either A or B choices on the Data Processing WAEC 2022 exam.

2022 WAEC MArketing Questions & Answers 


(i) Receiving: Operations that involve the assignment of trucks to docks, the scheduling and execution of unloading activities

(ii) Storing: Material’s movement from unloading area to its designated place in inventory

(iii) Order Picking: This is the main and the most labour-intensive activity of warehouses. Amaka will be obtaining the right amount of the right products for a set of customer orders.

(iv) Shipping: Execution of packing and truck’s loading after picking, involving also the assignment of trucks to docks

(v) Delivery: The transit time for transportation from the warehouse to the customer is part of the activities that is carried out in Amaka’s warehouse.

(i) She must accept responsibility for the consequences of their activities and make every effort to ensure that their decisions, recommendations, and actions function to identify, serve, and satisfy all relevant public
(ii) Amaka should give a maximum privacy to every customer on internet by not bombarding potential customers with unwanted solicitations and information Provide customers
(iii) She should have a good customer service or commitmentment by notifying the customer immediately of items that are out of stock, have been discontinued, or other updates.

(iv) She should avoid copyright issues by asking for permission before using someone’s site or material.

Entrepreneurship is the act of coordinating the factors of production in a manner that makes a business venture profitable.

(i) Personal savings.
(ii) Loan and overdraft
(iii) Trade credit
(iv) Loan from cooperatives society

(i) Personal savings: This is the funds put together by the entrepreneur.
(ii) Loan and overdraft: This is the funds from commercial banks.
(iii) Trade credit: This is the arrangement to receive goods and make payment in future date.
(iv) Loan from cooperatives society: This is the funds contributed via cooperative societies

(i) Availability of customers.
(ii) Nearness to targeted customers.
(iii) Availability of road network.
(iv) The size of population.
(v) Availability and nearness to manufacturing plant.
(vi) Nearness to wholesaler and retailers.
(vii) Availabilty of raw materials
(viii) Availability of basic infrastructure
(ix) Economic policy

Need: These are basic human requirements. They are the basic forces that motivate a person to think about and do something/take action.

Wants: These are things which you wish to have but they are not above your need. wants also refers to a wish or desire to own goods and services that give satisfaction

Exchange:This means the act of obtaining a needed/wanted object by offering something in return. It is a value of creating process.

Demand: This is the want for a specific product backed by an ability to pay. It’s also consumer’s desire to purchase goods and services and willingness to pay a price for a specific good

Transaction: Transaction us an exchange between two things of value on agreed conditions and time and place of agreement.


(Pick any one)
Data Processing consists of the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from the producer to the consumer or users in order to satisfy customers and accomplish the company’s objectives.


Data Processing can be defined as the process of communicating the value of a product or services to customers. It is also a process by which companies create customer interest in products or services.

(Pick Any Six)
(i)Risk bearing
(v)Grading and standardizing
(vi) Data Processing information Research
(vii) Transportation

(i)Production concept: The production concept is the idea that a firm should focus on in relation to those products that it could product most efficiently. This concept focusses more on solving the problems l of production and little concern for the public satisfaction.

(ii) Product concept: This concept assumes that customers will favour those products that offer the most quality for the price and therefore it is important for companies to produce quality products. It explains that customers are primarily interested in product quality.

(iii)The selling concept: Production of goods does not mean assure sales most times. The sales concept paid little attention to whether if the product was actually needed; the goal simply was to beat the competition to the sale with little regard to customer satisfaction

(iv) Data Processing concept: Data Processing concept focusses on increasing a company’s ability to compete and achieve maximum profits by Data Processing the ways in which it offer better value to customers than its competitors. This concept lay emphasis on Data Processing management with the twin goals of customer orientation and profitable sales volumes.

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Mr Noni

The loyal guy from another planet, Whom always get what he always asked for. || Professional Blogger || The Main Man Behind Noniwap.com concept.

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